| Gauteng | Cape Town | Film Festival |



Oct. 5

Oct. 9 - 11

Ceramics Exhibition & Workshop (Mr. Soei Obiya) at the African Window
(National Cultural History Museum), 149 Visagie Street, Pretoria

Oct. 11-19

Woodprints Exhibition (Ikuo Hirayama & Fumio Kitaoka) at the African Window, PTA

Oct. 11-17

Film Festival at Cinema Nouveau, Rosebank

Oct. 18-24

Film Festival at Cinema Nouveau, Brooklyn

Nov. 2

Poster Competition "Images of Japan" Prize Giving Ceremony at the New Chancery of the Embassy

Cape Town

for more information please call our Consular Office at 021-425-1695

Sep. 27-Oct.3

Film Festival at Cinema Nouveau, Cavendish

Oct. 9

Traditional Music Concert (Korei Hogaku Kai) at City Hall, CPT

Oct. 14-15

Ceramics Exhibition and Workshop (Mr. S. Obiya) at Rust En Vreugd

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