Duties for Assistant Language Teachers:
Participants who are assigned to local boards of education or schools are to carry out their duties as Assistant Language Teachers under the guidance of Language Teachers' Consultants or Japanese teachers of the foreign language. The following is a brief out line of duties, though they may vary from one host institution to another.
- Assist with classes taught by Japanese foreign language teachers.
- Assist with the preparation of supplementary teaching materials.
- Assist with the language training of Japanese teachers of the foreign language.
- Assist with the instruction of foreign language club members.
- Provide information on language and other related subjects for Teachers' Consultants and Japanese teachers of the foreign language (e.g. word usage, pronunciation).
- Assist with foreign language speech contests.
- Engage in local international exchange activities.
- Other duties as specified by the host institution.
Jet Programme Requirements
Applicants must :
- Be South African Citizens, with Bachelor's Degree
Hold at least a bachelor's degree or obtain one before departure for Japan
- In principle, be under forty years of age. The main purpose of the programme is to foster ties between Japanese youth and JET participants composed of young colledge graduates as described abobe.
- Have excellent English pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and voice projection skills in addition to other standard language skills. Have good writing skills and grammar usage.
- Be interested in Japan, and be ready to deepen their knowledge and appreciation of Japan after arrival.
- Be both mentally and physically healthy.
- Have the ability to adapt to living and office conditions that could be significantly different from those experienced in the applicant's home country.
- Not be a current or former participant of the JET programme.
- Not have declined, without justifiable reason, a position on the JET programme after accepting an appointment as a participant.
- Not have lived in Japan for three or more years in total during the last ten years.
Successful applicants are expected to make an effort to learn or continue learning the Japanese language prior to and after arriving in Japan.
? Embassy of Japan in South Africa, 2003- all rights reserved
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Last update: 25-Jul-2003