Important Links


MOFA - The Japan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs official web site.



JETRO - Japan External Trade Organization in South Africa


JICA - Japan International Cooperation Agency



Japanese Government Web Network

< Go there >


JNTO - Japan National Tourist Organization


The Foreign Press Centre / Japan

The FPC was established in October 1976 as an independent, private and non-profit foundation with the basic fund provided by the Japan Newspaper and Editors Association and Keidanren (Japan Federation of Economic Organizations) as an institution to support members of the foreign press in their work in Japan by helping them to overcome such barriers as differences in customs and language and to get "accurate information, gathered quickly and without waste."


The Japan Foundation

The Japan Foundation carries out a broad variety of cultural-exchange programs with personnel exchange as their basic premise, ranging from such academic pursuits as Japanese studies and Japanese-language education to the arts, publication, audio-visual media, sports, and general life culture.

Hello Japan

"Japan in the real world". Sections covering, "Japan's place in the world"; "Speaking Japan"; and "Let's enjoy Japan".


Japan and ASEAN

All about Japan and the Association of South East Asian Nations


Japan and WTO


Japan and the United Nations