Mini JET Handbook

General information
Completing the Application
Placement in Japan
How to apply
Terms and Conditions

Welcome to the exciting, thrilling, confusing, nerve-wrecking, frustrating, dynamic, spectacular world of JET.

There is not much that anyone can do to prepare you for your experience of Japan, the JET Programme or teaching English in Japanese schools. However, to make the transition a little easier we have compiled a handbook of helpful hints and thoughts to get you started.

This is by no means a comprehensive guide, but we hope that when you have experiences or ideas that you would like to share, with the next group of JETs going to Japan, that you will add to our list. Each JETs' situation may be different and the official JET handbook sent from Japan will cover all the different aspects of the position. What we hope to achieve is to supplement the information given with the ideas focused specifically on JETs from South Africa.

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