
| Background | Criteria | Application Forms |


Many disadvantaged South Africans have benefited from a number of Kagiso Trust projects funded by the Government of Japan. At the same time, the Embassy of Japan has directly assisted South African non-govermental organisations (NGOs) and community based organisations (CBOs) under the Grant Assistance for Grass Root Projects (AGRP) Programme. This programme is also available to NGOs and CBOs in Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland.

AGRP was first introduced as the Small Scale Grant Assistance Programme in 1989. The aim was to assist NGOs by supporting relatively small projects, which found it hard to get help under Japan's General (Government-to-Government) Grant Aid. In the fiscal year 2000 the AGRP Programme contributed to 1 523 projects in 106 countries with a total sum of 8.48 billion Japanese Yen, which is approximately R565 million.


Only new applications received between January 1 and March 15 each year will be considered. Faxed applications are not considered. The application forms may be either downloaded or obtained from the Embassy of Japan.

The relevant application form may be hand delivered or mailed to the Embassy [ contact information ]

Please download the Information Sheet for detailed criteria information


? Embassy of Japan 2001
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Last update: 29-Nov-2002
